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Launchgood Ramadan Appeal 2025
Rahela Trust Ramadan Appeal 2025Donate to support a secondary school and University education for talented, rural, disadvantaged girls in AfghanistanThis Ramadan, please donate to Rahela Trust so we can continue sponsoring talented and underprivileged Afghan girls to pursue their secondary and higher education online in Afghanistan. We are striving to help them shape a new, […]

Rahela Trust Trustees’ Annual Report
Rahela Trust Trustees’ Annual Report & Financial StatementAPRIL 2023 – MARCH 2024 Follow the link below to download the report Trustees’ Annual Report & Financial Statements- April 2023-March 2024

Call for Scholarship Applications 2024
اعلان بورسیه تحصیلی راحله ترست برای زنان افغان راحله ترست با همکاری دانشگاه گوهَرشاد قرار است تا بورسیههای آنلاین لیسانس برای زنان افغان واجد شرایط که در حال تحصیل در مقاطع لسانس، ارائه دهد. این سازمان در سال 2015 توسط فعال حقوق زنان افغان، خانم راحله صدیقی، تأسیس شد و در تاریخ 26 فوریه 2016 […]

Afghan UK Community Event ~ Education & Mentoring for Women in Afghanistan
We’re excited to host, alongside the South London United Nations Association (SLUNA), our next UK Afghan community event. Event details:Date – Friday 1st December 2023Time – 7:30 PM – 21:15 PMLocation – The Community Church, Werter Road, London, SW15 2LLExpect a mix of Afghan and vegetarian food, engaging conversation, and an update on the current context […]

Call for Scholarship Applications 2023
اعلان بورسیه تحصیلی راحله ترست برای زنان افغان راحله ترست با همکاری دانشگاه گوهَرشاد قرار است تا بورسیههای آنلاین لیسانس برای زنان افغان واجد شرایط که در حال تحصیل در مقاطع لسانس، ارائه دهد. این سازمان در سال 2015 توسط فعال حقوق زنان افغان، خانم راحله صدیقی، تأسیس شد و در تاریخ 26 فوریه 2016 […]

The Woman & Girls Match Fund 2023
Despite marking two years since the Taliban banned women’s education in Afghanistan, we aren’t giving up hope. Our belief that positive change is still possible has earned us a spot in The Big Give’s Woman & Girls Match Fund 2023. Some key information: Between Wednesday 11th October to Wednesday 18th October, Rahela Trust aims to raise £5,000. […]
2 Years Since the Taliban Takeover
Today marks two years since the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan. Our work providing university scholarships and mentoring to women in Afghanistan continues. Afghan women are not deterred from fighting for their rights and they do this in so many ways. Today, alongside our partner The Circle NGO we shine a light on one of our […]
Afghan Supper Club Cancelled ~ August 2023
We are so excited to share that Cue Point (@cuepointldn), Cue Point Kitchen, and the Leko Collective have joined in collaboration with the team at temper Shoreditch (@temperrestaurant) – part of the temper restaurant group – to bring you the most delicious, intimate Afghan supper club you’ll find in London. As well as a chance to […]
Rahela Trust’s AGM and Annual Lecture 2023
On Monday 27th February 2023, we hosted our AGM and Annual Lecture at the House of Lords. Talks centred around how women can access education and work in Afghanistan today. The event was chaired by Baroness Fiona Hodgson of Abginer, CBE, and we had four brilliant speakers including: – Dr. Davood Moradian (Director of Afghan Institute […]
In Response to the Taliban’s Latest Edict
A Message From Rahela Sidiqi – 20th January 2023 Rahela Trust responds to current situation and updates on activity.
Why Educating Girls Helps to Fight the Climate Crisis
How is education and the climate linked?The climate crisis is not a future problem, but a lived reality for billions of people. Already, the climate crisis is causing extreme temperatures, weather, droughts and floods across the globe, disrupting people’s lives – from livelihoods to food security to household income. These disruptions have consequences on pretty much every […]
The March for Freedom for Afghan Women and Girls
On Sunday 27th November, Zehra Zaidi, Co-founder of Action for Afghanistan organised a rally to call for urgent action against the Taliban’s violations against women’s fundamental rights and freedoms in Afghanistan. Prominent activists including Fawzia Koofi, Shukria Barakzai, Malala Yousafzai, Atefa Tayeb, Hammasa Kohistani and Sveto Muhammad Ishoq, all demonstrated their support at the event. Many other organisations showed […]
REPORT: Afghan Diaspora Academic Conference 2022
Afghan Diaspora Academic Conference 2022 Following Queen Elizabeth II’s passing, Rahela Trust took the decision to postpone the original September conference date. After some had work and reorganisation, Monday 17th October saw us host our first conference since the pandemic. It was a really exciting time, to meet old and new friends, colleagues and supporters, […]
Rahela Sidiqi’s TOLONews Feature
Our Founder & Director Rahela Sidiqi was interviewed by TOLONews, Afghanistan’s first 24-hour news channel, following her attendance at the Afghan Women Leaders and Activists conference in Istanbul, Turkey in late August 2022. She and fellow attendees described their demands for the women of their country and society as a whole, and how they plan […]
ANNOUNCEMENT: Afghan Diaspora Academic Conference 2022
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Fifth Afghan Diaspora Academic Conference 2022 Taking place on Monday 17th October 2022, Rahela Trust and Professors at the University of Cambridge have joined forces to host our second Afghan Diaspora Academic Conference. The conference involves high-level European conversations sponsored by the Refugee Council, with leading academics from across the Afghan diaspora outlining strategies […]
LaunchGood Campaign | Ramazan Appeal
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] LaunchGood Campaign | Ramazan Appeal In April 2022, we launched our Ramadan Challenge with fundraising platform, LaunchGood. We encouraged our community to donate as much as they possibly could – from a £1 and up – to help provide a university education to underprivileged, talented women in Afghanistan. Throughout LaunchGood’s Ramazan Appeal there […]
REPORT: Danish Refugee Council x Rahela Trust
In November 2021, Gender Equality Committee of the Danish Parliament led by MP Samira Nawa, Rahela Sidiqi engaged in a public discussion between Afghan diaspora women and members of the Danish Parliament to address the situation in Afghanistan for Afghan women and girls. The discussion provided space for testimonies from Afghan women on the situation […]
Come and Listen to Afghan Women’s Concerns and Two Decades of Achievements
On the 6th July 2021, Rahela Trust held a virtual event exploring Afghan Women’s Concerns and Two Decades of Achievements. Guest speakers included: Baroness Fiona Hodgson of Abinger Rahela Sidiqi Shinkai Karokhail – Afghan MP & Chair of Parliamentary Women’s Caucus Anarkali Honaryar – Afghan Senator Lima Anwari – Afghan Youth Activist Mariam Rahmani – […]
Rahela Trust’s Fourth Annual Lecture
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] The Trustees and Director of the Rahela Trust hosted their fourth Annual Lecture on Wednesday 27th January 2021 with the title; The Impact of the Peace Talks on Women’s Education. Guest Speakers included: Mrs Fatima Gailani Member of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Peace Negotiation Delegation Professor Dr. Djawed SANGDEL President of SWISS UMEF UNIVERSITY […]
Mothers & Daughters Education Campaign
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Mothers & Daughters Education Campaign #RaiseAPen Campaign Rahela Trust participated in Make Mothers Matter (MMM), backed by key global personalities and organisations, #RaiseAPen campaign with a strong mobilisation video, answering the call of mothers in Afghanistan for the continued right to education for their girls. Watch Rahela Sidiqi deliver her speech below:
Rahela Trust’s Annual Lecture 2020
Named at the time, The Farkhunda Trust, the Annual Lecture took place on 10th January 2020 with the theme of music in Afghanistan. The Chair of the lecture Hamid Hakimi welcomed speakers with a range of expertise, from the worlds of ethnomusicology and women’s education. The evening culminated with a performance of traditional Afghani music performed […]
Afghan Diaspora Academic Conference 2019
Rahela Trust hosted the first Academic Diaspora Conference in London on Sunday, 1st September 2019. The main focus of the conference was on the Diaspora’s role in Afghanistan’s Social, Economic and Political Developmental Process. It was held in collaboration with Afghan Professional Network, Afghan Voice Radio, iNex Studios, and British Afghan Coordination. Speakers and researchers […]